Onions reduce the risk of developing esophageal, stomach and prostate cancers

We all discard onions because they are notorious for giving us a bad breathe, but that’s definitely not enough to shun aside all their countless nutritional benefits. Research reveals that onions are brimming with powerful enzymes that aid the body in fighting against the symptoms and spread of cancer.

Moreover, several studies have proved that eating onions is directly associated with reducing the risk of developing several kinds of cancers, primarily Esophageal, stomach and prostate cancers. It is also associated with reducing the risk of death due to the coronary heart disease.

Onions are brimming with sulfides, natural compounds that help regulate and reduce both, blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It also contains a certain peptide that prevents bone damage and loss by preventing the loss of other bone minerals and calcium. What truly sets apart onions in terms of nutritional benefits is their incredibly extraordinary profile of antioxidants.

Onions are brimming with quercetin, a natural antihistamine that lowers and prevents the symptoms of hay fever and allergies, along with eliminating airway inflammation. They are also packed with incredibly high amounts of vitamin C, which also aids in eliminating and preventing the symptoms of fever, flu and colds. Furthermore, onions boost powerful anti-inflammatory profiles that help eliminate all signs of pain and swelling that usually accompanies rheumatoid and osteo-arthritis.

They have a densely rich profile for sulfur, along with incredibly powerful antibiotic and antiviral properties. If you have a densely high fat, sugar-rich or protein-filled diet, you need to add more onions to your meal as they will help prevent cholesterol build-ups and prevent your arteries from getting clogged. Onions are a necessary food for any imbalanced diet, as they prevent the growth of several allergies, viruses, and yeasts, which tend to accumulate when one has unhealthy eating habits.
Ahmed Xahir
Ahmed Xahir

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