Cherries are loaded with heaps of nutrients, and for centuries, their healing properties have been regarded as the best natural remedy for countless ailments. They contain very few calories, and a powerhouse of essential nutrients. Several studies have linked the consumption of cherries with the prevention of cancer, and reduced levels of inflammation throughout the body.

Recent research reveals that cherries contain two incredibly powerful natural compounds, ellagic acid and quercetin, which prevent and eliminate the growth of cancerous tumors, along with killing cancerous cells without inflicting any damage on the healthy cells. Cherries are also praised for their immensely powerful antibacterial and antiviral profiles.

Cherries are brimming with another immensely powerful naturally-occurring compound, anthocyanin, which has been scientifically proven to reduce the levels of uric acid in the bloodstream, which happens to be one of the most common causes of gout. Moreover, there is ample evidence to state that anthocyanins also work to reduce the risk factors of colon cancer.

Furthermore, the compounds found in cherries serve the same purpose of ibuprofen, only their role in reducing inflammation and eliminating pain is natural. The daily consumption of cherries has been directly associated with reduced risk of suffering heart strokes and attacks.

Chinese herbalists and medicine practitioners use cherries as a natural remedy to heal anemia, gout, rheumatism and arthritis.