My Third Twenty Questions

Grade: 08           
Due on: 


Answer the following 20 Questions.

1.    What is meant by Resources of an Economy?
2.    Name the three types of resources?
3.    Give any two examples for human resource?
4.    What is meant by salary?
5.    What is profit?
6.    What is land?
7.    Give the features of land?
8.    What is meant by labour?
9.    Identify the features of labour?
10. What is meant by supply of labour?
11. What factors affect supply of labour?
12. What is meant by efficiency of labour?
13. What factors affect efficiency of labour?
14. What is meant by mobility of labour?
15. Name the two types of mobility of labour?
16. Describe occupational mobility of labour?
17. Give one example for occupational mobility of labour?
18. What factors affect occupational mobility of labour?
19. Give some barriers to occupational mobility of labour?
20. Identify two ways to increase occupational mobility of labour?
Ahmed Xahir
Ahmed Xahir

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