O/L Unit 7: Developed and developing economies: trends in production, population and living standards

Topic #
Developed and developing economies
• Describe why some countries are classified as developed
• Describe why some countries are not classified as developed
• Recognise poverty
• Describe the difference between absolute and relative poverty
• Discuss policies to alleviate poverty
Population growth
Describe the factors that affect population growth:
• birth rate
• death rate
• fertility rate
• net migration
Discuss reasons for the different rates of population growth in different countries
Population changes
• Analyse the problems of these population changes for countries at different stages of development
• Analyse the consequences of these population changes for countries at different stages of development
Changing size and structure of population
• Describe the effects of the changing size of population on an economy
• Describe the effects of the changing structure of population on an economy
Living standards
• Discuss differences in living standards within countries, both developed and developing
• Discuss differences in living standards between countries, both developed and developing
Ahmed Xahir
Ahmed Xahir

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