Teaching Order

The Units may be taught in the order indicated above although it would be useful to be aware of the links between different parts of the course, such as the seventh part of Unit 3 as specialisation and the first part of Unit 8 on specialisation at regional and national levels. There is also a very close link between the last part of Unit 6 and the first part of Unit 7.

The Units, however, do not necessarily have to be taught in this order. Each of the Units in the Scheme of Work corresponds to the eight sections of the syllabus but the teaching order and the order in the syllabus could be quite different. For example, the teaching order might be strongly influenced by whether the students had any prior knowledge of economics or by whether they had studied other particular subjects such as business studies or geography. The teaching order might also be influenced by certain events or issues that were receiving a lot of publicity and which would help students to understand the relevance of particular parts of the course. There might also be various cross-circular initiatives at particular times, such as problems of population growth, and in such cases it would be appropriate to adjust the teaching order to take account of such initiatives.

The time allocation is an approximate guide only but will help to give some indication of the time that will need to be allocated to each of the Units.  

Recommended Time Allocation

Unit #
Basic economic problem: choice and the allocation of resources
8 %
The allocation of resources: how the market works; market failure
20 %
The individual as producer, consumer and borrower
10 %
The private firm as producer and employer
10 %
Role of government in an economy
12 %
Economic indicators
15 %
Developed and developing economies: trends in production, population and living standards
10 %
International aspects
15 %